July 12, 2010

Am I a Blog Killer?

Recently I found a few really nice blogs that I enjoyed reading.  I'd been reading them for a while as I had added them into my google reader.  With great anticipation, I would click on their blog when I saw a new post.  Then I decided to give them a bit of comment luv by posting a comment.....you know, it's a very nice thing to do to post some bloggy luv when you enjoy someones blog!

I noticed that suddenly all these bloggers that I posted comments to just closed up shop.  Not that they made their blogs private, but just like that - the moment I posted a comment they quite blogging!

What's up with that?  Am I a blog killer?

P.S. Hubby who is much more sensible about things told me that "It's summer, they're busier now."  Okay, I guess he has a good point, but I was starting to get a complex!


Anonymous said...

No way are you a blog killer!!!

Laurie and Bill said...

Ehart, sorry, I somehow lost your comment! Maybe Blogger doesn't like me either! LOL with ya!

Lovehisname, I hope I'm not a blog killer!

ehart said...

I can't remember what I said anyway. So, I guess it wasnt' that important.

You sure have had problems with blogs this week.