July 13, 2010

How Many Hours are in a Day?

I'd say there are exactly 3 hours in each day!  Whatt???  That's what I feel like on those days that I rush to work, work all day, and come home.  I rush in the door, and think to myself, "Peace!  I have 5 whole minutes to relax!"

Wrong!  Those pesky phone salesmen must have my house staked out, because typically five minutes after walking in the door the phone rings!  I think to myself, "Nice, this must be my BFF, B; or maybe it's my mom."

Wrong again!  An automated voice comes through the telephone stating, "We are not selling anything....we want...."  I usually don't know what they really want, because I hang up!  Just like that!  I'm not even remotely curious as to what they wanted, and that's saying a lot, because I'm usually a very curious person!

Then I rush into the living room, kick my shoes off, stretch my feet out for what I think is going to be about 3 minutes (two of my five minutes were eaten up by answering the phone, then walking away grumbling about it), when suddenly....my son walks into the door from work and says, "Hey Mom!  I'm in a hurry!  The guys and I are going fishing!  What's for dinner?"

Well, need I tell you there go my remaining three minutes out the window!

So I get up fix dinner, then I realize that I really need to do a load of laundry.  Then it's time to eat dinner, wash those dishes, then back to the laundry.  Oh yeah!  The bathroom could use a good scrubbing, and the counter needs to be cleaned of the debris that's hanging out on it!  Next thing I know, it's well getting near my bedtime!  Off to the shower I go.....dry my hair, put my jamies on, and think, "Okay, I must have 5 minutes of peace and quiet!"

When suddenly the boy bursts through the door and exclaims, "Hey MOM!  I caught 5 bass, I'm going to clean them now!"

Okay, son, just be sure to clean up your mess when you're done!

When he suddenly has a great idea!  "Hey MOM!  Could you take some pictures of me filleting a fish for my blog."

It's 10:30 p.m!  I'm dog tired, but I love my son!

Go check it out on his blog!  Click Here!


ehart said...

Sounds about right.

My calendar for the summer isn't much emptier than my calendar for the school year.

As I told my incoming senior--we ARE taking those pictures this summer. I am not going to try to co-ordinate with a photographer who lives 1 1/2 hours away and has two kids in school there around football games and parades!

Laurie and Bill said...

Good idea about the senior pictures! We actually did our own! They may not have been the quality of a professional, but we were happy!