January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Son!

Today is my son's 19th birthday!

He went ice fishing yesterday with his buddy and caught these:

The picture isn't too good as it was taken with his cell phone.

He had a great day fishing with his best buddy! Yesterday was his best buddy's birthday. They always celebrate their birthdays together. His buddy took off work and they hit the lake about 7:00 a.m.

DS caught 5 of these pike and it was a good day of fishing, but then.....

on his drive home, he hit an icy patch and ended up in a ditch. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Unfortunately, I think his car is totalled. He hit a small tree as his car slid down the sloppy ditch and it actually stopped them from rolling the car, another blessing.

I think it will be a quiet birthday as he's pretty bummed.


Nicole said...

Scary! Praise the Lord no one was hurt.

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear he was not hurt!! Scary..Those are really big fish!!

Anonymous said...

Praises for birthdays and no one being hurt and also for dinner.

Prayers for his car.