June 11, 2010

Another Blog????

You may be wondering why I have a new blog, but it's not just my own blog, nor is it going to replace this blog.

I've opened up a new Wordpress blog (actually hubby and I have) so we can document our trip from NY to California 25 years ago.  We had just gotten married, and we traveled.....

Well, go read the blog.  Here's the link:  http://icantdrive55.wordpress.com/

Let me know what you all think.  We'll be updating it as time permits, so I'll probably point you in that direction when we've made a new post.



ehart said...

Oooo! Going over there to check it out and add it to my favorites right now!

Jennifer said...

Hi Laurie!! I've been meaning to stop by for days (weeks?) and leave a few comments!

I've really enjoyed the book reviews. I have a few more titles to add to my "things I'll read when the boys are in school" list.

I love that you've been riding your bike to work! I got inspired one morning and left the boys in hubby's care and went for a 40 minute bike ride. It was awesome. Need to do again...

I'm really excited about your new blog! I've got it in my reader already and can't wait for the journey to start :-)

Laurie and Bill said...

Ehart, thanks! I can't wait to get started

Jennifer, I know you're really busy with your two little guys! I remember one keeping me pretty busy!

So glad you stopped by! I'm glad that you got out for a bide ride! It is fun and a bit liberating!

See ya all over at I Can't Drive 55!