January 20, 2009

Too Many Deals Equals Too Much Clutter

If you've read my blog for long you would know that I'm one who is always looking for a way to save money.

Yup, I'm a penny pincher. My hubby likes to say that I pinch pennies until they scream for mercy!

While de-cluttering my house, I've decided that a good deal is a good deal, but clutter drives me crazy!

What do I mean by clutter?

I mean the things that have sat in a corner for over a year and no one has bothered to touch them, because we don't have a need for them OR we forgot it was in the pile to begin with.

In keeping down clutter, I find I don't need to 'clean' my house as often. I can see what's dirty or needs a little spiffing up, and I do it.

I Clean My House by Karen Tribett
I Clean My House

One thing I have resolved to do this year is to minimize the clutter by restricting the urge to 'stock up' on things. I mean, yes, I'll still stock up on things, but I will be cutting back in the sense that if I don't have an immediate use (something within a month or two) for it; I'm not buying it!

A lot of my 'great deal' purchases in the past have contributed to the 'clutter' factor.

I'm doing well at this, because my girlfriend recently called me to tell me she was going to the great discount store that we sometimes meet up at. I told her I would go, but she absolutely had to keep me from purchasing anything. I told her I was de-cluttering and I'm not wanting to add to the clutter.

In my explanation of all that I've been doing with pitching this and that, she decided she wasn't going to go after all, because she, too, needs to cut back on the 'clutter purchases.'

So, those pennies are still screaming in my change purse, and my house is looking better everyday.

Close view of several pennies dated 1998 by Brian Gordon Green
Close view of several pennies dated 1998

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