October 13, 2008

How was your day?

I had today off from work due to Columbus Day! Yipee! I love an extra long weekend. It always refreshes my spirit.

So what did I do today?

Well, I slept in until 8:00...I haven't done that in ages. It felt so good to just wake up when I wake up.

My girlfriend called me about 9:00. She's been having a hard time for quite awhile, so if you could pray for her family that would be much appreciated. She was having a rough day (which is rare considering all she has to deal with at this time.) So, we talked while we drank our morning cups of coffee.

Then I read in my Bible. I'm reading in Genesis. I know the whole idea of creation has become a huge debate between scientists and people of the faith and I'm starting to wonder why? I know why, but it seems kind of pointless in the sense that God only used the first few chapters of the entire Bible to describe the creation. More time passed in the first 11 chapters of Genesis than the remainder of the Bible put together from Genesis chapter 12 through the book of Revelation. So, when I think about that, I have to contemplate that which part did God put the most emphasis on? It was the time period following creation, not necessary creation.

Now I know that many want to use Genesis and the creation as the main reason for believing in God, but I can't say it's the main reason I believe in God. Yes, I look at the wonderful things that God has put here on earth and I know that it just didn't happen through a Big Bang or through a chance happening. I know that God merely spoke all creation into existence, because that's what my Bible tells me. Yes, I'm a Bible believing individual, so it would make sense that I believe in that. Anyway, those are just some thoughts that ran through my mind after reading a few chapters in Genesis.

Then, I hand knitted on a sweater that I'm working on for myself. I had wanted to use my knitting machine to start the sweater that I'm making for my niece for Christmas, but it wasn't to be today. See, I have a beautiful knitting machine, but I'm having a hard time finding a table that I'm able to clamp it onto. Hubby has found a steel frame thingy that he's going to clean up, paint, then add a plank of painted wood so I can mount my machine onto it. I plan on putting in the living room in front of my large bay window. That way I can stand and peacefully look out the window at the neighborhood while I knit.

After knitting for awhile on the sweater, I then logged onto my computer and read blogs, visited a few forums I like, then I checked my e-mail. I'm not real good about hitting all my favorites throughout the work week, so I took advantage of the time today to hit my all time favorite places on the World Wide Web.

Since it was lunch time, I ate.

Then, I started thinking about dinner. Eating lunch does that for me. It makes me start thinking about food. I pulled a rather large chicken breast out of the freezer and started to de-frost it in the microwave.

I did a few loads of laundry. I went through my bills. I found some paperwork that my son needed as his laptop computer at college is acting up. I did the dishes. I swept the kitchen and living room floors. I wiped up the bathroom. I cleaned the kitty's litter box. I sorted through some filing that had been piling up. I called my mom. I fixed a scrumptious chicken soup/stew for dinner. I made a luscious green salad, too.

About that time, hubby came home from work and we ate. I cruised some internet sites with hubby concerning the STAR program as we were looking to see if we would qualify for any grants for home improvements. We didn't qualify! How did I know that before we started looking?

I have one more load of laundry to put away. I'm one of those kind of people who takes laundry out of the dryer, folds and puts away. I can't stand having laundry that isn't put away immediately. I don't like piles of clean clothes to rummage through to find something to wear, I don't like to search in a laundry basket full of clean laundry to find something to wear. I like going into my bedroom, opening the closet or the dresser and picking out my clothes to wear. I'm just very obsessive about everything having a home and it staying in it's home. I don't like clutter at all.

Well, dinner is done, dishes are done, laundry is almost done, then I'm sitting down with hubby to read in the Bible. I love the times that we do that...TV's off, the house is quiet and lightly lit (but light enough to see to read). It's just one of those favorite things of mine!

Well, that pretty much sums up my day. Maybe a bit boring, but I like it like that!

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