After church today, we are taking my 20-year old son back to college - well, not the college that he went to for 1 1/2 years, but the 'new' college.
He's transferring to a new school, and I like several things about this 'new' school:
It's closer (by over an hour when traveling both ways).
It's smaller.
It's not in the big, evil, mean city.
It's in a small Podunk town, which is what he's more used to.
He's has two great Christian buddies that go to college there too.
There are 1/2 the students at the 'new' college compared to his 'old' college.
They have many more luxuries on campus that the boy didn't experience at the 'old' college, such as: free laundry (no more quarter collecting), breakfast in the cafeteria, and a free bicycle service for students without cars.
The only thing that has him a bit apprehensive at this point are the first names of a couple of his roommates. One is named Yoter, and the other one was blessed with the name of Yvegen. (How do you pronounce that? Yvegen?)
His two buddies (which are brothers) have been forewarned: "I might be seeing a lot of you two this semester. Got an extra bed?"
All in all, the boy is very easy going, so he'll probably be fine. It's become more of a joke amongst us rather than concern. Somehow, the boy always manages!
Yoter and Yvegen? Sounds Nor-vee-gen. I wouldn't have a clue on the pronunciation.
Sounds like a much better fit for all concerned though.
Free laundry??? Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Sounds like it is all good ! I would not even begin to try to pronouce his roommates names lol. They will undoubltly come up with something to call each other.
Hugs, GG
Yvegen is Ukrainian. He has a roommate that's also from India. His name is simply Neal with an a, because there's another Neil with an i. LOL!
Oh, and he's been there since Sunday evening and hasn't laid eyes on Yoter yet!
Laurie, how is your son doing? I hope he's adjusting well and enjoying school.
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