January 16, 2010

Baby Steps!

My mother has been doing a bit better.  She's one tough cookie!

She's been on a ventilator for almost a week.  Well, this is the start of the 4th day that they have it set at 40%, and her oxygen levels keep holding.

Did I say that my mama is one tough cookie?

We went into the hospital last night, the nurse had the curtain drawn, so we waited.  And we waited, and we waited.....

Finally, the nurse pulls the curtain back, says, "I was changing her bedding for her, but come look!  She's exercising!"


We went in and my mama (who can't talk with the ventilator on) is sitting up in bed and pumping her legs.  My 78 year old mama, pumping her legs back and forth, back and forth!

My brother speaks up and says, "Are you taking a walk, mom?"

She gives him the thumbs up, grinning, and chuckling (the best she can with a huge tube shoved down her throat).

They extracted 800 cc's of fluid off her lungs yesterday!  One thousand cc's equals one liter!

Did I say my mama is one tough cookie?  Oh yeah....

We still have concerns that the fluid doesn't reform (then we could be back to square one), and we also pray that her lungs haven't been damaged.

So - if you're still out there praying, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my tough cookie heart (I think I inherited a tiny portion of that tough cookieness!)

Blessed be the God in Heaven Who hears our prayers!

My mama is one tough cookie (with the help, love and support of our Lord).


Ella said...

Praise the Lord. We are still praying Laurie. Thanking God for the wonderful news about your Mom.
Hugs, GG

ehart said...

Praise the Lord she's doing better. We're still praying here!

I think you did inheirit some tough cookie-ness.