April 20, 2009

What Kind of Mom Am I?

Okay, my son is grown, pretty much, but I thought this would be fun.

When I was in college no one had heard of the mosh pit before. So, I don't know what this all means, but yeah, I kind of want to re-take it and lie.

If you want to take the test, please Click here.

And I also remember the boy not liking McDonald's birthday parties, because he didn't like the food....But, he's left that all behind. He loves McDonald's now! Does that count for anything?

Results: Mosh-Pit Mama

(I want to take it again and this time lie…)

We know you're confused. But admit it, in college you did love the concert mosh pit, right? You're just a little nutty like that. You are a complex mama. You can't be pushed around by your kids, and you make sure they are fed the best organic food and get to bed on time. But, you are also able to chill out and let the little punks monkey around and get messy. You also don't mind getting messy with them. You're tons of fun: you throw yourself into kids play with great passion! Forts, crafts, soccer games, you do it all! It's hard to find fault with your type (unless your kid insists on Organic vegetables while at a playdate and is labeled "snooty") so please be prepared to have friends begin to hate you or exhibit extreme jealousy. Enjoy!


ehart said...

Okay, I'm The Big Chill.

Of course there were a few that I really didn't find my answer in--like the peed his only pair of pants--I'd have high-tailed it to Wally World and bought another pair. But he could have airdried till then.

Laurie and Bill said...

LOL! Ehart, that's too funny....Wally World would be an option though!

I had a couple of questions that the answer wasn't quite there for me either.

I really don't think I'm a food snob either. We don't really eat organic vegetables around here. Usually just home cooked meals.....