December 24, 2008

I Was So Ahead of Christmas This Year.....

I was so organized and had planned everything to the best of my ability for Christmas this year, which de-stressed the season for me up until NOW!

Okay, I bought most of my gifts before Halloween. There were some fantastic deals out there early this year and I took advantage of them. Later in the season, I just couldn't find all those great deals that the media was talking about, so I'm glad I started my shopping when I saw great deals.

The only gift that I procrastinated on was the letterman sweater that I'm making for my niece. My mom has her party this afternoon. My niece is supposed to receive this sweater, but I did the all time big mistake of not buying enough yarn for the project. Last night at 10:30, I looked at my dear, sweet husband and said, "I know I bought enough yarn for this project, but I'm running out and I only have 10 more rows to do."

Hubby watched me put my boots, coat and gloves on and said, "I'm taking you to the store, I don't want you getting mugged!" Okay, sweetie, I appreciate it. We dashed off to Walmart to discover that they were out of that particular color yarn. Uh, oh! What to do?

On the ride home, hubby suggest, I shorten the sleeves. If I just shortened them 5 or 6 rows per sleeve, it might not be noticeable. Hmmm, not sure! Then I thought.....well, it's a white and burgandy colored sweater and I have tons of white yarn. So, I've opted to tear out the lower portion of each sleeve and add a white strip in place of some of the burgandy, which is the color I ran out of. I think it'll work.

Problem is that I have until 1:00 pm today to finish it! Okay, off to my knitting machine and frantically work my way through this.

I was hoping to get an elegant, well-lit, well-laid out picture of this sweater, but it will probably most likely be a dark, frantic shot of my niece after she opens it.....that is if I get it finished!

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