December 6, 2008

Crocheted Dishclothes

Here are two crocheted dishclothes that I've recently finished. I made them from all cotton variegated yarn. The patterns are easy and fast. I made these on the way to Buffalo when we returned my son to college and it took us 5 hours to get there (normally it's just under 2 hours). So, I was busy and I think they came out nice.

They're soft and just the perfect size. I've already washed them and they still look good!


Jennifer said...

I LOVE that cotton yarn!! My mom got me hooked on it (pun intended). She gave me 6 dishcloths and I use them all the time. They're knit and start to look a little stretched out as I use them, then I just throw them in the wash and they come out looking like new!

Ella said...

Nice job and love the colors .