February 24, 2010

I Get More Action from Spammers!

Have any of you been experiencing a round of spammers on your blogs?

I think I have more spammers than readers!

Probably due to the fact that my blog is most of the time blogless!

You know how it goes - you open your dashboard to your blog. You smile with glee, because those big, blue, bold letters are standing out in the middle of the screen: "1 New Comment."

To my dismay, I click on those big, blue, bold letters to discover an Asian language that I can't even read!

Go figure!


Ella said...

Nope....I haven't had that happen, but a few other ladies that I read there blogs have.

Sorry that happened to you sweetie!
Hugs, GG

ehart said...

My blog comes with Askimet spam protector so I only get messages that I have identified spam comments. If I don't click on the spam box for so many days, it automatically deletes them.

Sorry you're being spammed. That's no fun at all.